Thumb Sucking And Pacifier Use

Thumb sucking is a natural reflex for children. They may suck their thumbs fingers or pacifier in to sooth themselves to sleep. Usually children stop around the ages or 2-4.
Will it affect my Childs teeth?
Even though they have baby teeth that they will eventually lose. Prolonged thumb sucking or pacifier use can lead to abnormal changes to the palate of the mouth, teeth alignment and cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth.
How do I break the habit?
- Praise them for stopping and reward them when they go for a longer period of time without sucking or using pacifier.
- Focus on giving comfort the child in a different way
- For pacifier use, gradually stop giving it throughout the day. Slowly take them off by just giving it at bedtime or nap time
- Talk to your dentist or dental hygienist to encourage them and explain what could happen if they do not stop
- Use of a mouth appliance for more prolonged cases