Plaque is SOFT and EASY to Remove So You Don’t Need to Brush Hard!

If your toothbrush is flattened or flared outwards you are brushing TOO HARD!
Brushing your teeth aggressively to make them feel cleaner and whiter is actually COUNTERPRODUCTIVE? That’s RIGHT….Counterproductive!
Not only will brushing too vigorously cause your toothbrush bristles to wear faster, more importantly, you are putting yourself at a higher risk of experiencing
Recession and wearing away of the enamel on the teeth exposes the dentin which underlies the enamel surface making the teeth look yellow and even darker. This can lead to other issues such as periodontal disease (involves deterioration of the bone and gums supporting the teeth) and cavities on the root surfaces of the teeth. Once the enamel is worn away, it cannot be replaced!
Another culprit to add to these problems….using the WRONG toothbrush…..a “HARD” bristled brush, doesn’t help you much either!
Notching around the tooth root areas, like chopping down a tree, is a good indication of a heavy hand or use of a hard bristled brush.
At risk are those who are diligent and overzealous about their oral hygiene and those who use medium to hard bristle brushes. Most people don’t come close to brushing long enough….maybe 30-45 seconds when in reality 2-3 minutes is ideal! Plaque is actually quite SOFT and EASY to remove so you don’t need to brush hard!
- Have you ever evaluated your brushing?
- Timed yourself?
Try it!!! How long are you brushing? Are you a here, there and everywhere type of brusher or do you have a pattern you typically follow so as to be thorough?
So….There is such a thing as proper technique which can help prevent any damage to the teeth and gums. Use of a SOFT bristled brush to prevent wear on the teeth and damage to your gums and a thoroughness to remove the plaque, that again, is SOFT and EASY to remove is key. If plaque is not removed it will quickly harden into what is known as “tartar”, which then needs to be professional removed.
What is Proper Tooth Brushing Technique?
✅ place the head of your toothbrush with the tips of the bristles at a 45 degree angle to the gum line when brushing…the bristles will slide under the gumline slightly. There is actually a space or pocket between the gum and the tooth called a “sulcus”. Did you know that?
✅ don’t saw back and forth…use light pressure and a short, back and forth or circular motion
✅ apply the bristles with enough pressure to feel the bristles…DO NOT squish the bristles!
✅ follow a pattern throughout your mouth so as to not miss any areas is key to not missing anything….outsides, insides, biting surfaces! Brushing in a chaotic manner, here and there and everywhere leads to areas of plaque being missed!
✅ toothbrushes should be replaced every 3 months or when they start to show signs of wear. REMEMBER….your brush should not be flattened or flared!
If you have questions…discuss your concerns with your hygienist or dentist and address any issues early on. Prevention is ideal so as to divert any bigger or more costly complications!
We are here to help! So, be conscientious and don’t over do it!