Teeth Have Jobs Too!

So what does each tooth do? First of all, each tooth has a different shape creating a different purpose and a specific job.
There are 4 types of teeth.
- incisors
- cuspids
- bicuspids
- molars
The incisors are the 8 teeth at the front center of the mouth used to take bites of your food with their sharp edges.
The cuspids, also called canines, are the sharpest teeth and these 4 teeth are used for ripping and tearing food apart into smaller portions.
The bicuspids, also known as premolar teeth, are used for grinding and chewing food. There are a total of 8 bicuspids that have properties of both the cuspid and molar teeth.
The molar teeth, specifically the permanent molar teeth do not replace the primary (baby) molars but erupt behind them. The 8 molars are flat and broad and their job is to crush and grind food so it can easily be swallowed and digested. There are 4 other molars known as the wisdom teeth or 3rd molars. They have the same job as the other molars but some people never develop some or all of their 3rd molars.
Your job includes brushing, flossing, eating a healthy diet and vitamins, even exercise. Keeping the body healthy helps to keep the teeth healthy so they can do their job.
Also be sure to visit your dentist and dental hygienist for your check-up and professional cleaning at least twice a year. Depending on the health of your gums and teeth, it may be recommended to have your teeth professionally cleaned more frequently. Discuss this with your dentist and dental hygienist at your next appointment.