How To Know If Your Baby Is Teething?

Some babies, but not all, experience some symptoms when it comes to teething.
✅ swollen gums
✅ drooling
✅ change in mood
✅ restlessness
✅ trying to suck on everything
✅ mild fever
The first tooth usually erupts around 6 months of age but can be a little later. Even a little earlier. Teething symptoms can last a few days around the time the tooth is erupting.
Here are some suggestions when it comes to teething 👶
➡️ do not use any topical gels unless prescribed by your dentist
➡️ massage the gums with a cool damp cloth or your finger
➡️ use a cooled teething ring making sure that it is not too cold
➡️ acetaminophen can be given only if necessary, always check with your dentist or doctor first
➡️ avoid any food that they can choke on like carrots or celery