Benefits Of Using An Electric Toothbrush

Many of us have switched from using a manual brush to an electric brush but if you have not made the switch yet here are some benefits that may help you make your decision easier.
- It does a lot of the work for you, it takes the ease of manually brushing your teeth and helps you brush them. By guiding the brush around your mouth it removes the plaque off your teeth.
- It gives you an overall better clean then what can be accomplished with a manual brush after two minutes of brushing. An electric brush can go from 3000 to 10,000 strokes per minute, and usually have a timer.
- They give you a correct amount of pressure on your tooth. So that you are not brushing to soft or too hard.
- They have a larger handle so they are easier for children and seniors to hold, or anyone with arthritis or dexterity problems. While guiding them to have a better clean, without straining there wrist or hands.
Overall electric brushes help give you a better clean when used correctly and for the appropriate amount of time. Always be sure two brush a minimum of 2 times a day for 2 minutes, floss once a day and use antiseptic mouthwash between your regular dental visits.