Baby Teeth

Baby teeth also are known as deciduous teeth. We typically have 20 primary teeth and 32 adult teeth. Primary teeth begin to erupt at 6months of age. All 20 primary teeth should be fully erupted by age 2-3 years old. They have shorter roots then permanent teeth, for them to eventually fall out. Permanent teeth begin to erupt at age 6 shedding the primary teeth and replacing them with permanent teeth, they should be fully erupted by age 21.
Taking care of deciduous teeth are just as important as the adult teeth. If they are lost or pulled out due to decay or other issues it can affect the permanent teeth. The primary teeth act as a guide and space savers for the adult teeth. If a baby tooth is pulled out too soon it could lead to trouble with crowding and alignment issues down the road.
They not only help children chew their food but also help with their speech.
Occasionally permanent teeth come in before the baby tooth has fallen out. This happens when the permanent tooth forms from behind the roots of the baby teeth. If this happens the baby tooth may need to be extracted.
By keeping them healthy and cavity-free, this will make sure the permanent teeth are just as healthy as they come in. Always be sure to ask your dentist for advice with any questions you may have.